
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Little Teacup Girl

Everyday in the studio, my little muse sits quietly by the window minding her own business. I think with her always present, I've begun thinking about my MA project 'The Toymaker and The Toy'. There were a few pages that I was not entirely happy with. After putting all the pages together, I could see which ones worked and which ones didn't. So now I have the opportunity to revisit the project, I can go back to the pages I'm unhappy with and begin to make them work. Yesterday, I stretched my watercolour paper in anticipation of beginning one of the illustrations today. I can't wait to get started!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Greyfriars Artist Studio (GAS)

Finally all settled into the studio space, and I was able to do a little work there yesterday. 
The lights incredible, all those big beautiful windows allow the daylight to flood the space. I just need to bring a few more things from home so I can be truly settled in. 

Now, I think there's a couple of rogue studio members I have yet to be introduced to. They are of the feathered variety. A couple of very noisy pigeons were playing around in the roof yesterday. But there's no poop anywhere, so I think they know studio rule number 23. No pooping in the studio space. Until then, I'm quiet enjoying the company!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Moving Day

So today I'm packing up my make shift studio in the spare room of the cottage to move into the beautiful Greyfriars building, and joining GAS (Greyfriars Artist Studio-group), Lincoln's newest studio group. The building is just gorgeous and so rich in history, it's going to be hard not to be creative in such fabulous surroundings. Im most excited about working amongst other artistic souls, hopefully we'll be able to feed of one another's creativity and produce lots of inspiring work... watch this space.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Jubilee Bed Time Fun


I've been a little overwhelmed since we moved into the village. First we get a welcome pack from the local parish councillor, it contained useful numbers and the times the mobile shop and library would be in the village. Everybody says 'hello' to one another, this is very foreign to me. I'm a working class girl, from an industrial town. I was brought up in a terraced house, were we only knew a handful of our neighbours, even though we were living but a few steps away from one another. So moving to the village has taken some getting used to, I feel I'm smiling at strangers much more than before (as a cyclist I also smile at other cyclists. It's just something we do). 

Then a week a go, we get an invitation to take part in all the village activities for the Queens Jubilee. There's a garden competition, a hat competition, a quiz and treasure hunt, and a bbq on the common. I just can't seem to get my head around all of this. It's just too cute! So I decided to join the cute and paint the queen as I imagine her when she's alone, away from the public eye, and just having some good old fashioned bed bouncing fun. Come on, we all still have a go from time to time!

Sunday 6 May 2012


Yesterday I was tending my stall at the Lincoln artist market, apart from the freezing cold temperatures (in may!) it was a real success. But after standing for such a long time in the cold, I couldn't wait to get snuggled on the sofa with a cup of tea, digestive biscuits, and my sketch book. I've been developing the main character for my Haunted House book 'Rosie'. So far I've really struggled to capture the vulnerability, innocence and sweetness that I wanted her to portray. This is what i did last night... what do you think? Feedback would be most welcome if you have time!